April 17, 2001
My ladies Bible class just finished a series called “Meeting God in Busyness.” The topic seems almost an oxymoron. How can a busy person find time to connect with God? Christians find busyness is one of our greatest tests of commitment to our Lord. Even at the best of times, we are so easily side-tracked from our dependence on Him. When we are busy, we need Him the most but how can a person stop that ticking clock long enough to touch base with God?
Everyone in the class agreed that God belongs in more than just in our most pious moments. We are Christians all the time, not merely when we feel ‘religious’ or are filled with spiritual thoughts. Jesus lives within us, not Sunday morning only but seven days of the week and in all situations. Our task was finding out how to make that reality a practical part of every day.
One thing we talked about is that the word ‘priority’ is singular. So what is the one most important thing in our lives? God? Or our to-do lists? If we say we love God with all our heart, mind, soul and strength, then we must spend quality time with Him. Also, He must be consulted regarding our daily plans and every decision.
The class also noticed that spending time with God at the beginning, before the rush begins, has a positive result. Our worship, Bible study and prayer time produces an inner peace and strength that reduces the pressures of busyness that would otherwise takes us down.
We discussed how stress is not always from our to-do list. Sometimes it is a result of unsettled issues, such as sin, broken relationships, fear or doubt. Since God forgives and cleanses sin, heals interpersonal conflicts, and erases fear and doubt, meeting with Him reduces that stress too. Without the strain of those issues, busyness is less likely to negatively affect our emotions.
Another discovery was that obeying God makes a difference in our fatigue levels. Sometimes we rebel in subtle ways, like saying ‘yes’ to something that God asks us to turn down or deny. Even if it is not a sinful activity, it could be adding one more item to the list which the straw that can break our backs. We need to listen to Him because by refusing to do what God asks, we can wind up doing far more than we wanted, simply as a consequence of not listening to Him. Even if obedience seems like ‘more’ or ‘too much’ up front, the Lord always honors it. Often, our remaining tasks are easier, or seem so, because we know we are following the Lord.
The Bible says, “Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” Being busy is not always a bad thing. When God is in it, our productivity can be a blessing to Him, ourselves and others.
Lord, thank You for the many responsibilities that are in my life. I know that I cannot handle them well or with a song in my heart unless I first go to You for wisdom, strength and the joy that Your Spirit brings. May the tasks I do today be done in Your power and according to Your will. Warn me when I am tempted to step outside of what You want for me. May I not neglect Your clear commands or try to do anything without Your help. Do not allow me to add more to my schedule than You want for me. Instead, help me to do my God-given tasks in such a way that You are pleased and honored. Amen.
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